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  Armando Caligiuri electrons in motion
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Welcome to my site, here you will find information, educational material and many other things concerning the world of electrons in motion, that is the world of electricity, electronics, information technology and radio or radio engineering, which are the subjects of which I am I have always worked as a profession and as a hobby.

I decided to put this site online for the sole purpose of disseminating the subjects I was talking about before. On the site you will find a lot of interesting and educational material, as well as some projects I have made, in addition to the datasheets of the most used components in the present and in the past and other valuable information for enthusiasts.
For any question that deals with the topics shown on the site or for professional advice, you can write me whenever you want at the e-mail address on the Contact page.

More information about who I am and what I do can be found on the About me page.

My main hobby, for pleasure and for the need for prevention is seismology, I have some self-built seismographs with which I observe the seismic waves of earthquakes.
To view the seismograms generated by my seismograph you can go to the page dedicated to Seismology.

The use of the contents of the site is subject to the acceptance of the terms contained in theDisclaimer .

At this link you can find the site map.

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The site was created according to the dictates of "digital well-being" and uses backgrounds that do not tire the eyes and dividing lines between paragraphs so as not to tire the mind.

Thank you for visiting my site and good navigation


 Informatics, Computer networks , Software and operative system
 Electronics, Active components, Passive components
 Who i am

 Created and mantained by Armando Caligiuri (C) 2024 Version 3.2 ext
 Armando Caligiuri, Electronic senior expert, Electronic and I.T. maintainer, electronic project implementer, I.T. consultant
 Webmaster Armando Caligiuri, for the use of the contents of the site visit the Disclaimer page