Armando Caligiuri electrons in motion
   Italiano-  English-  日本語



 Welcome to the page of my site dedicated to seismology.
Through this page you can visualize the seismograms in real time produced by my seismograph installed in the territory of the Crotone country.

The choice to publish such a page is due to the awareness of being born and living in a land where the seismic danger is at the highest levels.

In fact, Italy is seismically active, but above all Calabria, and in this specific case the marchesato crotonese , is part of an area of conflict between the African plate and the European plate, it is located on a small platform moving relative to the south-east called "calabro peloritano arc" which is bounded to the north by the tectonic line of Sangineto and to the south by the tectonic line of Taormina.

The Marchesato crotonese, subjected for hundreds of thousands of years to the pressure generated by the collision between the plates, is currently rising, and is bordered by various seismic faults, in fact in past times there have been destructive earthquakes including those of June 1638 (6,9 of magnitude) and of March 1832 (6.6 of magnitude). The territory was however affected by other destructive seismic events that occurred in neighboring areas, such as the seismic sequence of 1783, the seismic event of Martirano-Nicastro of the March 1638 (6.9 of magnitude), the Rossano earthquake of 1836 and the earthquake of Reggio Calabria-Messina of 1908.

From here the compulsory choice to know as much as possible a sneaky enemy, who can attack us at any time without warning and the decision to equip itself with a continuous monitoring tool, in order to grasp the possible precursor signals.

The self-constructed seismograph, consists of a pendulum with a weight at the low end, it, with its micrometric movements generates an electrical signal (through a solenoid immersed in a magnetic field), which appropriately amplified and filtered, is subsequently converted into a digital signal through an A / D converter and processed by a software on a PC.
The software processes the digital signal, generates the seismograms and publishes them on the site at the scheduled frequency.

Another form of monitoring is to process and display the ULF (ultra low frequency) and VLF (very low frequency) signals amplified by an appropriate receiver, also designed and self-built, using a spectrum analyzer. all this in order to capture possible precursor signals, which manifest themselves with disturbances and impulses, recognizable by an ear and an expert eye.

In the image below you can see a spectrogram taken from my personal archive dating back to 2004 december 26, that is the day of the disastrous earthquake of Sumatra (magnitude 9.3), you can see how the spectrogram is particularly disturbed, a clear precursor or successor signal of a strong and violent event, which can be caught in these cases even at a great distance.


I specify that the precursor signals, according to the various documentation collected on the net, have never been lacking in the Calabrian earthquakes, and can give a warning from a few minutes to a few days before the seismic event occurs.

At the link that you will find two rows below you can find an audio file with MP3 encoding lasting one minute, it is a small example of what you can listen to in the ULF-VLF band.

To listen the MP3 file click on this link.

What you heard in the previous audio file shouldn't surprise you, because nature emits a varied quantity of sounds in the ULF-VLF band, and every natural event has its characteristic sounds, just use the right tools to capture them. To provide proof of what has been said you can find two lines below the link to an MP3 file that I recorded during the famous snowstorm on Valentine's night 2021, on the following lines you will find audio files recorded during violent storms, listen to the audio files and you will be amazed.

To listen to the Mp3 file relating to the sounds of the storm click on this link.

To listen to the Mp3 file 1 relating to the sounds of the thunderstorm click on this link.

To listen to the Mp3 file 2 relating to the sounds of the thunderstorm click on this link.

This image represents the most recent state of the virtual drum of my seismograph, the image can be enlarged by touching it.


The date-time of the seismogram must be increased by 24 hours.

THE TEXTS, AUDIO FILES AND IMAGES OF THE SEISMIC DRUM PRESENT ON THIS PAGE ARE PERMITTED FOR READING, LISTENING AND VIEWING FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY, any other use is excluded and prohibited, they can be used on other sites other than this one only with written authorization from me. The material published on this page remains my exclusive property. The published data has no legal value, they are obtained from home-built equipment and could be affected by errors and inaccuracies. We decline any responsibility for any use of what is published on this web page that is not for educational use.


 Informatics Software and O.S. Computer network
 ElectronicsActive components passive components 
 Who I am

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Armando Caligiuri, Electronic senior expert, electronic and I.T.   maintainer, I.T. consultant 

Web master Armando Caligiuri
(C) 2024 V3.2