Armando Caligiuri electrons in motion
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       Welcome to the computer science software page

I will try in this page, to define with simple and suitable words the immense world behind the word "software", as always it is not an easy task, but I will try also in this case. Of course it is impossible to condense a very vast subject in this small text, but if you intend to deepen or need professional advice (given my experience in the field that began in 1979) you can contact me via the "Contacts" page.

Find here and at the bottom of the text the links to go to the "computer and hardware" page and to the page dealing with "computer networks".

The software is a set of binary codes that allow us to instruct the hardware on the operations to be performed.

We said on the "computer" page that computer systems are made up of two inseparable elements, hardware and software.

After we stated that the software or application (app), is instead the information or digital content that we must process or use (or that allows us to process through hardware), and which produces files (set of digital data 0 and 1 collected in one or more strings).

The files produced, modified or used can be stored (stored) in a hard disk or in a USB memory or other computer medium.

The most popular software are operating systems, office automation suites and internet browsers. There are endless other applications dedicated to the most disparate functions, such as file compression programs, PDF readers and more, but it would take too long to treat them all.
There are software that must be installed to work
(files copied to the hard disk in preset folders) and others that can be used without necessarily installing them.

Speaking of software we can only start from the operating systems, they are the ones that allow us to use the PC or tablet, without them the hardware and other applications would be useless.
In practice, the operating system provides a software environment, which allows you to install and use the other applications, to configure the hardware and to use the peripherals connected to the PC through the drivers, the operating systems that require a license to use (for a fee) the most common in the PC field are those of Microsoft and
Apple (MAC), the first Microsoft was MS-DOS in the distant 70s, which provided a textual environment without graphics and the commands had to be typed via the keyboard, this limit confined the use of the PC in a professional or expert environment. Only later was the operating system with the Windows graphic interface (windows interface ) now reached version 11 (also available for mobile applications), which thanks to its window graphics allows you to easily use the applications, however a completely operating system is available free, very well done and with many free applications as well, it is Linux derived from the Unix server operating system. The distribution most used and translated into Italian is Ubuntu Linux, you will find at the end of the text the link to download it from the manufacturer's website, I recommend you try it, because among other things it allows you to test it without installing anything, directly from cd (live cd).

In the smartphone and tablet (mobile) field, the most popular operating system is Google's Android, it was derived from Linux. Its success is due to the fact that it brings with it a myriad of paid and free applications, and for every type of use, transforming the mobile device into an emergency lamp, a sound level meter, a seismograph or other (using the sensors on board and the touch screen).

Office automation applications or suites, on the other hand, allow you to process texts or spreadsheets, or compose and send e-mail messages if your PC or mobile device is connected to the internet. There are various types, paid and free. In the Android play store you can find several, there are free and paid, try them.

Finally, internet browsers are applications that allow, if the PC or mobile device is connected to the internet, to browse the WEB pages and to take advantage of the multimedia and information content offered by the large network. The most popular browsers are Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome, you can also find these in the play store of your smartphone or tablet.

To conclude, we can say that there is an application for every need and the PC (or Smartphone-tablet) comes to our aid for every need of daily life, a real change in the way of living and seeing life.

 I reiterate, as usual, that it is impossible to condense in this small text everything there is to say about IT and software, but if you intend to deepen or need professional advice you can get in touch with me via the "Contacts" page.

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Armando Caligiuri, Electronic senior expert, electronic and I.T.   maintainer, I.T. consultant 
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(C) 2024 V3.2

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